

Act as a reliable and neutral source for dialogue and collaboration between scientists and researchers.


Promote research as the main activity of scientists and doctors at different levels

Global Community Building

Encourage a proactive and lively exchange throughout the Scientific Community.


Endorse cooperation, building a community founded on strong partnerships in favor of scientific research.

Human-centered approach

Enhance science and technology, promoting research to reduce suffering


Ensure an ongoing update of knowledge as the only way to improve the quality of life.

Verduci Editore

Verduci Editore, funded in 1970 by Santo Verduci, has been one of the first Publishers to spread medical-scientific culture both in Italy and foreign countries. Verduci aims to provide a prompt response to the scientific challenges of the future.

The activities involve the drafting of encyclopedic treaties and manuals and the realization of international open-access journals in English. Verduci Publisher also offers medical and scientific training by operating in national and international fields. Its main purpose concerns the promotion of reliable, complete, influential and updated information in different areas of medicine.

Among the most significant works, it is important to mention “Chirurgia della Mano” by Iselin, one of the first editorial successes, deeply appreciated by the scientific community. “Morfologia del Sangue”, “Trattato di Ginecologia e Ostetricia”, “Neonatologia”, “I Muscoli”, “Trattato di Medicina Interna”, e “Trattato Internazionale di Chirurgia Estetica” are just some of the major titles distributed in Italy, translated in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, and widespread worldwide, with a strong request by USA, China, Latin America, Russia, and many other European countries.

Recently, the international journals have played an increasingly important role in the activities of Verduci Publisher.

The digitalization of information and the spread of the “online culture” have generated relevant changes in the publishing sector. Today Verduci, led by the founder’s daughters, deeply changed its modus operandi becoming a very international and innovative publishing company and a landmark for doctors and patients.

Progress represents the most important challenge of all times. In this regard, we believe that research is a fundamental issue. Verduci group is supported by a leading staff in their respective corresponding fields, hence constituting a highly qualified know-how to boost research.


Research as the basic need of modern societies. Research as the mean to improve everyday life. We believe that Research is relevant only when it has a social impact. Our goal is to spread significant advances in any branch of science, promoting the development of novel targeted therapies to improve quality of life.

To this end, Personalized Medicine is a fundamental tool as it responds to the needs of each patient providing solutions according to personal, genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.


World Cancer Research Journal | Verduci Editore
Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine | Verduci Editore
International Journal of Medical Device and Adjuvant Treatments | Verduci Editore
Microbiota in Health and Disease | Verduci Editore
Topics di Terapia Intra-Articolare | Verduci Editore
Beyond Rheumatology | Verduci Editore
Joints | Verduci Editore
JIM - Journal of Innate Metabolism | Verduci Editore