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Article publication
Here you can publish your article in the most suitable journal. Once submitted, it will be considered by the Editor and, if it meets all the requirements, it will be sent for review to experts. Follow the step by step instructions to publish your article:
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If not suitable for publication, the Editor will give you suggestions on the corrections to implement.
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci)
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci), a fortnightly journal, acts as an information exchange tool on several aspects of medical and pharmacological sciences. It publishes editorials, reviews, original articles, trials, case reports (only if of particular interest and accompanied by a short review) and brief communications.
The full text of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.
CellR4 is the Official Journal of The Cure Alliance and it focuses on cellular repair, replacement, regeneration, reprogramming, and differentiation.
Its scope ranges from fundamental new discoveries in basic science to translational, clinical trials and delivery of novel therapeutic options.
CellR4 aims to be also a platform for discussion of challenges and opportunities on the path to the development of new treatments, independently from the disease target.
CellR4 also publishes commentaries and opinion papers on regulatory, legal, and ethical issues, as well as information on global collaborative platforms and funding opportunities.
The full text of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.
World Cancer Research Journal (WCRJ)
World Cancer Research Journal includes basic cancer research, cancer prevention, translational research, environment and cancer, lifestyle and cancer, pharmacology and pharmacogenomics aspects, cancer treatments, elderly cancer patients, virus-related tumors, cancer survival, psycho-oncology, innovative aspects regarding diagnosis, pathology, and clinical-experimental oncology.
The full text of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.
International Journal of Medical Device and Adjuvant Treatments (IJMDAT)
International Journal of Medical Device and Adjuvant Treatments (IJMDAT) constantly publishes up-to-date results of basic and clinical research (basic research, prevention, public health, pharmacology and pharmacogenomics aspects, treatments, innovative aspects regarding diagnosis, pathology, pre-clinical and clinical experimental studies) related to the development and use of medical devices and adjuvant treatments.
Microbiota in Health and Disease (Microb Health Dis)
Microbiota in Health and Disease (Microb Health Dis), the Official Journal of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group – EHMSG, focuses on all issues related to the role of microbiota in maintaining health or promoting diseases, not only confined to the GI tract.
It includes papers on novelties in basic science, translational research, clinical trials and new therapeutic options to supply international researchers with a valuable tool for the discussion of challenges and opportunities in the field of microbiota.
The full text of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.
Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine (Infect Dis Trop Med)
Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine (Infect Dis Trop Med) is an on-line peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all aspects of basic and clinical research on infectious diseases. Infect Dis Trop Med constantly publishes high impact research articles of outstanding significance and novelty in all areas of Infectious diseases.
The full text of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.
Topics di Terapia Intra-Articolare
“Topics di Terapia Intra-Articolare” is the official journal of the National Association of Intra-Articular Therapy of Hip Injection with Ultrasound Guidance (ANTIAGE). In the first section, it reports the review of all the articles published in the previous six months about intra-articular therapy. It also publishes reports of intra-articular therapy in clinical practice produced by the members of association, as well as the abstracts relating to the posters and oral communications of both ANTIAGE national congress and the “International Symposium on Intra-Articular Treatment” (ISIAT).
The full text of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.
Beyond Rheumatology
“Beyond Rheumatology” is the new official Journal of CReI (Collegio dei Reumatologi Italiani), a scientific society that brings together outpatient care centers and hospitals rheumatologists. The aim of the Journal is to build a platform for high-quality scientific exchange between the different experts in the real life. It will be focused on publishing new discoveries on diagnostic, prognostic, clinical and therapeutic topics about rheumatology and allied conditions.
The full text of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.
“JOINTS” is an online-only orthopaedics journal that synthesizes the current knowledge in the field of joints disorders and related treatments.
Specific areas of interest of JOINTS are: arthroscopic surgery, orthopaedic sports medicine, knee, shoulder, cartilage, rehabilitation and orthopaedic technologies.
JOINTS is the official journal of Italian Society of Arthroscopy, Knee, Upper Limb, Sports, Cartilage and Orthopaedic Technologies (SIAGASCOT).
Phenomena Journal
Phenomena Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal aimed at experts in the fields of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy.
The journal, managed by the research group Phenomena HUB APS, offers editorial support through an available and flexible method for all those who want to approach the world of Scientific Research. The articles are available at